Logical Update


VA. Dark on Black Compilation


01. Epicurse - Autumn Flames 05:16
02. Nihilistic from the Human Holocaust - Dark Crimson 00:54
03. Ungodless - Abandoned Souls Shall be Dead 04:20
04. Logical - Denialize 03:34
05. Barbaric Wisdom - The Ride for Vengeance 05:27
06. Tragedians - Recognize the Solitude 03:54
07. Heathen Horde - Toward the End Begin 03:51
08. The Ancient Sacrifice - Darkness  Blessing 04:00
09. Mourning Silence - Blood of the Martyr 04:11
10. Magnificent Seven - The Secrets of Life are Hidden Within 04:00
11. Dead Coagulate - The Decorating Blasphemy 06:20

When Dark and Black meet of beginning to Deepest the Abyss, now come with some layer masterpiece from REPRISAL PROMOTIONS Roster All Blitar City, East Java - Indonesian band such as Epicurse, Nihilistic from the Human Holocaust, Ungodless, Logical, Barbaric Wisdom, Tragedians, Heathen Horde, The Ancient Sacrifice, Mourning Silence, Magnificent Seven & Dead Coagulate. all come with new fresh materialized. At times they do get sections and a bit of a break from the distorted madness !!!

More Information

The generation of observations is a technical process and the advances that have been made in forensic science techniques over the last 50 years have been staggering. But science is about reasoning—about making sense from observations. For the forensic scientist, this is the challenge of interpreting a pattern of observations within the context of a legal trial. Here too, there have been major advances over recent years and there is a broad consensus among serious thinkers, both scientific and legal, that the logical framework is furnished by Bayesian inference (Aitken et al. Fundamentals of Probability and Statistical Evidence in Criminal Proceedings). This paper shows how the paradigm has matured, centred on the notion of the balanced scientist. Progress through the courts has not been always smooth and difficulties arising from recent judgments are discussed. Nevertheless, the future holds exciting prospects, in particular the opportunities for managing and calibrating the knowledge of the forensic scientists who assign the probabilities that are at the foundation of logical inference in the courtroom.

Departing from Blitar city, East Java, Indonesia, a project was formed that does not play a lot of dizzying logic for laymen and scientists to digest, yes indeed this is just an empty idiom to be just a gimmick. playing the musical concept of Black metal with a touch of ordinary fake progressive elements that are technically memorable - LOL, LOGICAL was born from just pretending or mere jokes. showing reality harder than the cover image is haram! start thinking carefully with all seriousness even though it looks joking. and people can easily become over enamored with the apparent sophistication and density of this approach, placing all their stock in exponentially complex sonic information for it's own sake. whilst far from perfect, walks this line well. Seek black metal and you shall be disappointed, but for a display of the progressive music tendency in it's most honest and pure form one cannot go wrong with spinning materialized.

a laboratory of complex formulas and multi-dimensional experiments with no overarching vision or greater purpose. Whether riffs or passages connect up or not is more by luck than design, their chief purpose being a conceptual framework to hang the musical hypotheses of meandering scale runs and freeform improvisations onto. Whether you find this noble or self-indulgent may depnd on what day of the week it is. Music is created and enjoyed for an infinite variety of motivations after all. eschewing the shredding insanity endemic to black/death metal and focusing instead on calmer, progressive, and more expressive excursions that carry a cosmic vibe.